Doors were created to control access to buildings and other areas. Today, our cars, homes, schools, and banks have doors for the sole purpose of limiting access. To protect our belongings, merely having a door is not enough to protect our belongings from intruders. We find locks and other systems installed on doors to mitigate anyone from waltzing in without permission, as well as allow only specific people access by granting them a key or other mechanism used for entry.
Just as a lock on a door protects our valuables, we need to have something similar for our computers. Whether you’re using a Windows or a Mac computer, both platforms come with the ability to restrict access to user accounts with a password. A password is like a key to a door. It is essential to create a password to prevent someone from opening up your computer and gaining access to your information. The more complex the password, the better. Below are some tips on creating a new, complex password.

Good Password
Contains a special character like: “!()@#$%^&.”
Contains at least one numeral, i.e., 0-9.
Contains at least one uppercase letter.
The password is 8+ characters in length.
The password is original
Ex. $uP3rb0wL

Bad Password
Passwords that are mostly numbers.
Based on meaningful dates like anniversaries or birthdays. Ex. passwords like”06231989.”
Passwords based on dictionary words
Password is fewer than 6 characters.
Reused Password or shared password.
Ex. “welcome1.”
This post is from Blind Spot: See How Hackers Can Steal Your Data, Chapter 03 - Good vs Bad Passwords by Anthony McDaniel, Available at Amazon.