We all know that feeling of panic when we have to quickly send an email or type out a report and our hands won't stop shaking. We start to panic and the words just don't come out right. Well, never fear! These keyboard tips will help you type faster and with more accuracy.
From learning the right way to grip your mouse to using shortcuts, these hacks will make you a typing pro in no time. So pour yourself a cup of coffee, sit down at your computer, and get started!
Optimize Your Workplace
Many individuals assume that mastering the keyboard will lead to faster and more accurate typing. However, the reality is that you will need to start with a clean, well-ventilated, and comfortable desk. You should also buy a table and not operate with your laptop or computer on your lap for best typing.
Make sure you're comfy if you'll be working for an extended period of time.
Correct Your Posture
If you want to type well, you should sit with your back straight and your feet planted slightly apart, flat on the ground. The position of your wrists should also allow your fingers to cover the keyboard. Tilt your head to the side so you can see the screen correctly.
Adjust your office chair so that you may simply adjust the seat and maintain appropriate posture.
Maintain your posture
It's also critical that you maintain this position as you type. Maintain excellent posture to prevent wrist pain. These aches have a way of making you feel sluggish and out of sync.
Keep your back and shoulders from hunching, and while relaxation should be your primary goal when working, stay upright as well.
Become familiarized with the keyboard
You'll need to learn how to use the keyboard because it's your tool.
Here are some pointers on how to get familiar with the keyboard:
Assign keys to different fingers
Place your left hand over the keys A, S, D, and F.
Place your right hand over the keys J, K, L, and ;.
Use all 10 fingers.
Slide your fingers across the keyboard.
Use your thumbs to press the spacebar.
Use a color coded keyboard
Try to not look at the keys, to train your muscle memory.
Learn the keyboard shortcuts.
Write the assigned keys on the backs of your fingers.
Close your eyes and press the keys while saying them out loud
Looking aside from the letters and directly at the screen is another excellent technique to learn their placements. Then, when you press the keys, try to pronounce them correctly. This step will go a long way toward helping you memorize the keys, as well as learning how to type faster.
Start with touch-typing slowly
It takes time to develop your muscle memory and increase your typing speed. Touch typing, on the other hand, is the quickest way to master typing. If this is your first time using touch typing, this process could take a long time. Your speed will rise once you can enter key combinations without looking at the keyboard layout.